Sand Pile

Problem Statement

Given a 2D matrix of containing sand grains

Consider the following:

  • A cell can have at most 3 grains at a time
  • If a grain is added to a cell containing 3 grains, that cell would transfer all grains to its 4 neighbors
  • If a cell does not have 4 neighbors (cells at the edges), then the grains are lost
  • Click on any cell to add the sand grain.

    The goal is to find the final state of the grid after adding a grain


    function deepCopyGrid(pile) { const newPile = []; for (const pileRow of pile) { newPile.push([...pileRow]); } return newPile; } function isValid(i, j, r, c) { return i >= 0 && i < r && j >= 0 && j < c; } function rebalance(pile, positions) { if (positions.length == 0) { return pile; } pile = deepCopyGrid(pile); let newPositions = []; for (const pos of positions) { const [i, j] = pos; if (pile[i][j] < 4) { continue; } pile[i][j] -= 4; updateCellIfValid(pile, i - 1, j, newPositions); updateCellIfValid(pile, i, j + 1, newPositions); updateCellIfValid(pile, i + 1, j, newPositions); updateCellIfValid(pile, i, j - 1, newPositions); } return rebalance(pile, newPositions); } function updateCellIfValid(pile, i, j, newPositions) { if (isValid(i, j, pile.length, pile[0].length)) { pile[i][j]++; newPositions.push([i, j]); } } function addGrain(pile, i, j) { if (isValid(i, j, pile.length, pile[0].length)) { pile[i][j]++; } return rebalance(pile, [[i, j]]); }
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